Our first buddy class visit

Every class at Craigburn Primary School has a buddy class. This means that each class has a buddy class to meet with during the year. It’s a great way for the children to care for one another and support each other, both in the classroom and outside during break times. Buddy class activities provide for older children to be mentors and positive role models for our younger students and our younger students are given guidance and help if needed. It’s a highly regarded programme in our school.

On Friday we had our first visit to our Buddy class. This year our buddies are Mrs Robertson’s Year 6/7 class. They work in the Middle Year’s Unit with 3 other Year 6/7 classes and a Year 5/6 class.

For our first visit we met our buddies and worked out who we would each have for a buddy. We work with our buddy for the whole year. Then we played Buddy Bingo – each buddy pair had a chart of questions to answer. We needed to move around the room and find out information about our buddies. Some of the questions were: find someone with blue eyes, find someone who is learning the drums, find someone who loves pizza, find someone who loves going to the beach. Each buddy pair needed to list as many names as possible in each square. It was lots of fun finding out information about each other!

Our classes will meet every Friday just after recess. We are really looking forward to doing lots of activities with our buddies. We already planned lots of activities that we’ll enjoy together – like reading, board games, outdoor games, cooking, gardening – just to name a few!
Here are some photos of the buddies in action!

2012 Buddies on PhotoPeach

Do you have a Buddy class? What type of activities do you like to do with your buddies? Please send us your ideas – we might be able to try them!

3 thoughts on “Our first buddy class visit

  1. Hi Miss Sporn and class,

    Firstly an apology. We seem to have become out of sync with the quadding. I had a busy week, out of class, last week and I’m not sure whether anyone managed to comment on your blog.

    We shall remedy that tomorrow afternoon.

    We, too, have school council reps for each year group. I shall ask them to drop you a comment about what they do so you can compare.

    Unfortunately we don’t have class buddies. We only have 96 children in our school; Gulls class has 3 sets of twins! So everyone knows everyone.

    We do however partner our youngest children(4 and 5yr olds) with our oldest (10 and 11) for the year and we have a special ‘New starters’ church service in October, when the y6 chn introduce us the the eception chn. It is a lovely service and last year all of the chn sang us their favourite nursery rhyme.

    It is 10pm here tonight, I see by your clock that you are about to start (or are already at school 8.30am). Have a fantastic day learning. We will blog tomorrow arfternoon during our ICT sessions.

    Take care, as for you it is already Safer Internet day. http://www.saferinternetday.org/web/guest

    Mrs W

  2. Dear buddies, we have enjoyed spending the last two sessions with you. We loved listening to your reading! Looking forward to our next visit!
    From room 12

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