Wow – we’re already in the fourth and final week of our Family BloggingChallenge.
Again, we’d like to thank everyone who has visited our site and posted a comment. We’ve loved reading the variety of comments – especially the ones linked to our Blogging Challenge questions. The Blogging Challenge is such a valuable way for our families and friends way to keep in touch with what’s happening in our class.
We HOPE everyone keeps visiting our blog and posting comments, even when the Challenge month has finished.
So for our last challenge question(s):
- What do you think of the “May Family Blogging Challenge Month?”
- Which family members did you invite to comment?
- Which blog posts do you think your family or friends liked to comment on?
- What would you like to see on our blog? Do you have any suggestions that we may find useful when we add posts to our blog?
I like the blogging challenge
The family challenge has prompted me to make comments and give feedback instead of just looking. It’s made it more interactive.
We invited everyone in our household plus Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and family friends. I think some of the grandparents found it a challenge themselves
Pictures and video’s of the class I think are the favourite things to comment on for us.
I have really enjoyed the family blogging challenge – it has encouraged me to thoroughly look around your site and have a good look at all the great work you all do. I love seeing videos of presentations you have done.
The family blogging challenge has been a good learning experience for me, because I don’t think I really knew what a blog was before Sienna showed me. She showed me how to navigate the site and how to post comments.
I would love to be able to come in and help you with your work one day but it’s a bit difficult coz I go to another school now. I think I’m going to become a P.E teacher when I’m older, and I would like to come back and work at Craigburn (but of course you’ll all be in high school by then).
I have loved the May Family Blogging Challenge Month!
It has been fantastic reading about the school activities my nephew has been involved in; and being able to comment has made me feel more actively involved in his day to day life.
I really look forward to reading more about the adventures of Miss Sporn’s Class in the future.
Our family has really benefitted from the family blogging challenge, as lots of our family members who didn’t know how to post comments are now able to look through your blog and see all your good work, then give you some feedback.
I love doing family blogging challenge because it gets me thinking a lot because I like to do a lot of commenting on the blog.
This website is a great idea for friends and family to look at
I thought it was a good idea to do a family bloging challenge
Great idea to do challenge as it reminded me about the site so I shall watch more regularly
I find the school web site a great way of keeping up with what Maisie and her brother Owen are doing at school over there in Australia
I think this is a great idea to let us see what maisie is getting up to at school as we live so many miles away
I think your schools web site is a great way for me to see how Maisie and Her brother Owen are getting on over there in Australia
It is good seeing my family in England looking at my class blog.
I have posted lots of comments and i’m going to do iots ans lots and lots and lots
I hope you are having a good time doing the bloging challange because I am having fun
This is the first time I have posted messages on a website as I do not use other social messaging sites so it’s made me feel like I’m in the 21st century! Isn’t technology amazing. Very different to my school days when calculators were still called logarithm books. That’s a challenge Miss Sporn, to explain a log table .
Enjoy your day.
Charlie (Maisies friend)
I think this is fantastic…
You may have convinced me to add a blog tab to my own website.
Sam (Maisies friend)
I wish my school had joined in this competiton.
It is awesome.
Maisie’s Nanna you don’t look that old!!! This challenge is a great way of getting all of the families and friends looking at the wonderful work the children are doing.
I am so pleased that the challenge has encouraged our family and friends to comment on the blog as I know that several of them have had a look at the blog before but have never commented. What a great idea for getting us all involved.
What a wonderful way of being able to see what my family overseas are doing at school. It was such a pleasure to scroll through the class photo’s and see a picture of Maisie in her uniform. A very good site.
Are you still singing “zippydedodah” Maisie?
This has been great fun, I have just looked at Miss Harry’s page too so that I was able to see my grandson Owens class.