Even More Bucket Filling

Today we re-read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” We’ve actually re-read it lots of times because we just love it!

We had a special “bucket filling session” and spent about 20 minutes filling other people’s buckets. We have been doing lots of bucket filling over the last few weeks.

We’ve found lots of resources on the Internet about Bucket Filling and have included a photo of a template some of us used today – but we still LOVE making our own notes for our friends.

Here are photos of our latest bucket filling session.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? on PhotoPeach

5 thoughts on “Even More Bucket Filling

  1. What a great way to end the term by filling buckets. I just hope all the children fill buckets in the holidays with family and friends and don’t forget your mum and dad!! Hope everyone has good holidays and that Miss Sporn enjoys her rest and gets to do all her favourite things.

    • Hi there Kim
      It’s great to see you on our blog!!! The bucket filling was just wonderful to see and I was very spoilt as my bucket was really full by the end of today’s session!!!

  2. We will try and keep this going in the hols with the whole family – just a gorgeous idea and one we should all remember. I think all our buckets are a little bit empty by the end of the term but not those in Ms Sporn’s class hopefully! Great work guys <3

  3. When I asked Jenny today how her day had been she replied, “Excellent, I had lots of nice messages in my bucket from boys.”
    Oh dear, I am intrigued.

    • Anne – there were notes flying all over the classroom!! Lots of notes for everyone – you’ll have to ask Jenny if you can read the notes in her bucket
      From Lisa

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