Expanding Vocabulary!

Everyday we practise our reading skills using the Daily 5 as our major focus. The CAFE acronym stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary. Each week we focus on different strategies from the CAFE to improve our reading skills.


Last week we used the strategy tune into interesting words. A good reader needs to have a great vocabulary – they should  know and be able to understand the meaning of lots of  interesting words. We focussed on writing down adjectives as we’ve read them in our daily reading sessions. An adjective describes a noun or pronoun. It usually comes before a noun or pronoun in  a sentence. For example: A small boat floated on the bright, blue sea. By finding lots of adjectives in our reading we are going to add them to our word wall to use in our writing – to make our writing more interesting to read and really create a detailed mental picture in the readers minds.

In four days of reading we collected 339 words – everyone in our class had their list in their book boxes and added new adjectives each day.

Then we created a Tagxedo (word cloud) of our words – the larger the word the more times it was recorded.  Here’s our Tagxedo.

3 thoughts on “Expanding Vocabulary!

  1. The Tagxedo you made looks amazing! It’s fun to experiment with adjectives, you can be very creative!
    Keep up the great work!

  2. What a great way to put together all the words. Love the Tagxedo… Love your reading style Aiden…. looks pretty comfy.. Reading is awesome.

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