Procedure Writing

Our Year 2 class has been learning how to use procedure writing as a part of our daily writing tasks. Procedure writing is a really meaningful connection to our current Inquiry unit about sustainability, through inquiries into plants and plant life.

Our first attempt with procedure writing was how to make fairy bread.

We wrote a procedural text about how to make fairy bread – here are some photos of the class during the writing task. The best part was the next day when we tested our written procedure – we got to make Fairy Bread. This was a great treat as Fairy Bread is a sometimes food!

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The second procedure writing activity was called Growing Beans.

Last week we planted 4 different types of beans to see how they grow, the parts of a seed, how seeds grow and what they need to grow. We’ll be working like Scientists to observe changes to our beans over time. We used the Explain Everything app to record how to grow beans.

Here are our Explain Everything movies that we shared via airplay onto the Interactive Whiteboard.

Genius Hour

We’ve had our first Genius Hour session for Term 3. Everyone was really motivated and they were deeply involved in their learning from the minute we started.

We had some people cooking for the first time – they were very organised. They shared the responsibility of bringing different materials, checking off their checklists that they had everything they needed and took turns during each part of the cooking process. We all loved being able to taste test the finished products!

We had people continue to make arcade games using materials such as cardboard, pop sticks and plasticine. We saw a great game of soccer and basketball made for other classmates to use.

Some students made structure models, following up on our inquiry topic from Term 2.

One group have started to create a collage each, using natural materials that they collected from the grounds of our school.

Our budding artists, Lauren and Lara, had a fantastic time creating their first art masterpiece on a real canvas – well done girls! Great team work.

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Setting up a worm farm

The 3 Year 2 classes are learning about sustainability through different inquiry tasks relating to plants – their needs, the parts of plants, varieties of plants and how we care of the environment. We had helpers from each of our classes to create the worm farm and then they are reporting back to their classes to explain how we set up the worm farm.

We have made a worm farm so we can see how worms use our food scraps to create compost and worm wee. We can then use the worm wee to fertilise our garden beds in the ELC (Environmental Learning Centre).

We followed a procedure to make the worm farm.

First, we made some mulch by soaking a mulch brick in some water overnight.

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Then we put the mulch into the worm farm and Jessica ripped up newspaper to add to the mulch. (Worms love to live in mulch and newspaper.)

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Next we opened the box of worms and added them to the mulch/ newspaper mix.



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Using our hands we carefully mixed the worms into the mulch mixture.




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Finally, we added some food scraps so the worms had something to eat.




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We need to make sure our worm farm stays cool – worms die if they get hot. We need to add food scraps like banana skins, apple cores and other fruit and vegetable scraps. We won’t add any citrus scraps (lemon, mandarine or orange) as worms don’t like them and they don’t rot into the mulch mixture.





SRC Reps

As we start Semester 2 we have elected new representatives for our Student Representative Council (SRC).

Congratulations to Lauren and Coby our new reps!


Our back up reps are Matilda and Oz – congratulations to them too.



It was wonderful to see 8 students nominate themselves to make a speech to our class and explain why they felt they would be a good rep for our class. We look forward to these students representing our class at meetings with Mr Warncken and the other class reps.