Science Week

As a part of our Sharing Time topics we challenged our students to bring along a ‘simple Science experiment’ to share with the class.  They needed to be very well prepared to have all of the materials they needed, know the order of the steps to complete their experiment and be able to explain the Science in their experiment.

WOW!!! Everyone in the class did an amazing job presenting their Science experiment. We had a huge variety of experiments presented like:

  • chemical reactions like – Mentos in a bottle of Coke, detergents separating fats in milk, lava lamp, volcanoes – the reaction of pouring vinegar over bicarbonate soda
  • shrinking a potato
  • a tornado in a bottle
  • a lava lamp – showing how oil and water never mix but creating bubbles with an aspirin tablet.
  • using water to stretch scrunched paper
  • spinning eggs – which spins or wobbles a boiled egg or raw egg
  • bending a burning match
  • a pendulum swing – showing the forces used with different weighted pendulums
  • a wave in a bottle
  • colour travelling up flowers – showing how plants carry water up stems to leaves and petals
  • a balloon rocket -releasing air from a balloon to move it along string
  • testing an eggs float-ablity!

It was great to see and hear everyone clearly explain their experiments and they were all really well prepared. Many of the students had procedures written down or copied which linked to our procedure writing focus perfectly.

Well done to everyone!

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