Merry Christmas clips – new additions!

Merry Christmas Everyone – it’s been an amazing year!

I’ve loved working with these amazing children.

We loved our Jib Jab clips so much here are a few new ones!

Alyssa, Keira, Kyah, Lara and Zoe

Matilda, R, Matilda W, Imogen, Bel and Lauren

Yaw, Reed, Nicholas, Ashlyn and Fraser

Jon, Oz, Zander, Coby, Harrison

Josh, Evan, Harley, Toby, Bryce

Riley, Fraser, Kyah, Harley and Miss Sporn






Reception – Year 2 Fun Day

Today we held our annual R-2 Fun Day. This is a wonderful time for our students to have a relaxing and fun day outdoors. Our theme for the day is earth, wind, air and we bring along different items we could use on the day, e.g.. bubble wands, frisbees, sand play equipment, footies, soccer balls, kites, games …..just to name a few of the things we brought today. We had 3 different sessions and then a relaxed afternoon in our classrooms.

We had an early picnic lunch and our families joined us if they could. As a special treat the teachers bought the children ice blocks – great for busy active children.

This was a great way for us to celebrate our year of working together.

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A Bit of Christmas Fun!

Here’s some great fun clips of our class getting ready for Christmas.

We’ve used the Jib Jab website to create these clips.

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We hope you like them.

Jon, Oz, Matilda R and Miss Sporn

Evan, Bel, Zander, Harrison and Ashlyn

Fraser, Nicholas, Coby, Reed, Riley

Lara, Zoe, Kyah, Alyssa and Miss Sporn

Josh, Toby, Harley, Bryce and Yaw

Bella, Matilda W, Kiera, Lauren and Imogen

And …. A bonus disco Christmas track



Christmas Craft Morning

This morning our year 2 classes had a Christmas craft morning. Each class had 3 different activities and parents helped to run each of them. It was a fantastic morning making peg reindeers, a variety of ornaments for our Christmas trees at home, wooden stars, wooden decorations …..just to name a few!

We would like to thank all of the parents that made time to come in and help us with our special crafty morning – it was lovely to have so many helpers working with us!

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Craigburn’s Got Talent

Today we held our annual Craigburn’s Got Talent show. This is an Reception to Year 7 event and gives every student the chance to audition and maybe make the final. Over the last few weeks we’ve been holding auditions for each year level and came up with a final show of 16 items.

WOW! What an amazing show it was. We had DJ’s pumping out the beat, dancers, ballet dancing to piano music, a piano item, many individual and group dance items, a magic show…..the list goes on!


The entire crowd was highly entertained by every item and we thought every performer did their very best to put on a good show! We thought they were very brave  to perform in front of such a huge audience.

Here are some of today’s performers.
Craigburn’s Got Talent on PhotoPeach

Congratulations to Ethan and his team of zombies on their winning item called Thriller – what an amazing choreography!

Our second prize went to our Reception boys group called JWL – what a fantastic DJ and group.

Third prize went to a very talented group of Year 5 girls who had an entertaining dance item.

Well done to everyone who auditioned and especially today’s finalists!

We can’t wait for next years show.