As a part of our latest inquiry unit we are learning all the different ways stories can be told. We kicked off our inquiry by bringing in our favourite picture book to share with a small group.
We needed to remember the important skills of reading a book to others, like-
- speaking clearly
- using expression to make the story sound even more interesting
- showing the audience the pictures
- stopping at full stops and taking a breath – don’t rush a good story
- asking what people understood from the story – checking for understanding.
We’ve been learning about these reading skills through our Daily 5 work.
We had a huge variety of books brought in – it’s always interesting to see what kinds of books are interested in sharing.
This was also a great way to prepare for Bookweek, which is this week. There’s lots to see and do in our Library with Mrs Langham.
Here are photos from our Sharing time reading activity last week.
Picture book sharing on PhotoPeach
What books can you recommend to us – we love to hear about new books to read.
Books are so much fun!
No matter what sort of book you like to read, there is always something to cater for you.
I love a good comedy, or an adventure book!