We’ve had our first Genius Hour session for Term 3. Everyone was really motivated and they were deeply involved in their learning from the minute we started.
We had some people cooking for the first time – they were very organised. They shared the responsibility of bringing different materials, checking off their checklists that they had everything they needed and took turns during each part of the cooking process. We all loved being able to taste test the finished products!
We had people continue to make arcade games using materials such as cardboard, pop sticks and plasticine. We saw a great game of soccer and basketball made for other classmates to use.
Some students made structure models, following up on our inquiry topic from Term 2.
One group have started to create a collage each, using natural materials that they collected from the grounds of our school.
Our budding artists, Lauren and Lara, had a fantastic time creating their first art masterpiece on a real canvas – well done girls! Great team work.