Publishing Stories

As  a part of our current Inquiry unit we have been planning and writing narrative stories. We created special characters first and then planned our narrative story using these characters. We’ve used the StoryKit app to publish our stories this time.

Here are 2 that have been emailed by the students from their devices.

Felix’s Story

Danielle’s Story

What apps do you like to use to write stories?


Personal Inquiry – Week 3

We had our third Personal Inquiry session on Friday. We had been planning all week – discussing and sharing ideas of what we could create. We discussed that this time is about investigating something that is important to you or something you’re interested in finding out more about.



This week was discussed how to raise the standard of our creations and make them the best that we can. We also had a huge focus on becoming more independent – relying less on adult help to complete creations.

We had lots of interesting Art creations – lots of experimenting with different Art forms, models, moving cars – with working axels.

To inspire us Miss Sporn showed us a clip of Caine’s Arcade – we loved it. Caine gave us lots of ideas about how to create something that’s personal to YOU and how to share your creations online.

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SRC Assembly

Today we had a R-7 assembly to introduce our new SRC reps for terms 3 and 4. They were presented with their badges and received certificates for being our reps for the next 2 terms.

Liam and Ashleigh will be excellent reps for our class.

Here’s a photo from today’s assembly.


Personal Inquiry Time

Last Thursday we had our next Personal Inquiry time. Once again we had a big variety of creations presented.

We had lots of models constructed, 3D structures made with foam blocks, some students have started app smashing with to create projects that interest them.

Here’s the photos from this week’s session.

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Our Family’s Favourite Books

As a part of this week’s Sharing Time we have looked at the books our parents and grandparents enjoyed reading when they were children. We had lots of very well loved books brought in and it was really interesting to hear what people liked about their books. We had a variety of books – from fiction to non fiction, novels, folk tales and stories from overseas, written in different languages. Hearing about these stories gave us a greater understanding of our families histories and where they grew up. We also found that we loved reading some of these stories even now – like The Secret Seven, The Magic Faraway Tree, Blinky Bill, Dr Seuss books. We loved hearing about the different stories – it was a great sharing topic! Beth even recorded her conversation with her Dad as an interview – we’ve included her notes in our photos.

Here’s photos with our books.

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What were your favourite books to read when you were a child?


SRC Reps

Custom Glitter Text


Today our class elected the new SRC Reps for our class. They will represent our class for the next 2 terms at SRC meetings with Mr Warncken and help run our class meetings. I’m sure you’ll represent our class really thoroughly.

Congratulations to  Ashleigh and Liam who are our new reps.


Our reserve reps are Tara and Evan. Congratulations to you both too.



Personal Learning Jelly Cam movie

Today we had our fourth Personal Learning time session. I’m sure our creations are becoming more imaginative, more detailed and look fantastic! It’s amazing to see what the students are creating in our class. We have a class of highly creative students.

We recorded today’s session using Jelly Cam – this takes 1 photo every 60 seconds and creates a movie. It’s  a great record of our session. Lots of our class were working in 2 learning spaces today – our classroom and the Art room – lots of modelling and painting.

Here’s our movie.


At this weeks assembly we had a number of students who received recognition awards. They’ve done a wonderful job in many areas of learning and leading our class.

Congratulations to Josh, Jasmine, Christy, Kynan and Maya on receiving their awards this week. Great effort everyone!IMG_1889 IMG_1888 IMG_1887 IMG_1885 IMG_1884