New Class Pets

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We have been offered some new class pets. Mrs Chick, who teaches next-door, has offered to give us some spiny stick insects.

We have got a shelter that they can live in ( a critter keeper ) and Ben’s Dad is going to make a mesh cage that they can live in. We think it’ll be better than the plastic case they’re in now as they’ll get even more air to breathe.

We’ve found out that they need to eat Eucalyptus leaves to eat. They also need to be kept in a environment (classroom!) that has a temperature of around 18deg C.

Mrs Chick bought lots of insects in today because she’s giving some to the children in her class, as well as having some as class pets too.

We had lots of spiny leaf insects to hold and look at – we could feel the little suckers at the ends of their legs that help them hold onto plants that they live with. Today they held onto our hands, arms and jumpers!!! It was really exciting to hold onto the insects and have a really close look at them.

Here’s what their heads look like up close.

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These leaf insects appear to have the head back to front. The mouth parts are between the arms and the base of the antennae.

Here are photos of us handling the insects.

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Yesterday we went to the Year 1/2/3/4 assembly. It was an entertaining assembly, hosted by Ms Humphrys class – we thought they did a great job running the assembly so smoothly.
Our class shared the 3D newspaper models that we’d made as a part of our current Inquiry unit. The challenge was to make a strong and stable 3D structure. At the assembly we showed boats, ships, bridges, prison gates, teepees, triangular prisms, bus shelters and “random” structures. Ethan did a really good job introducing our item and explaining about triangulation – how and why triangles are used in structures because they are the strongest shape.
We’d like to congratulate George, Holly W, Holly B and Liam on receiving their assembly awards.

Here are some photos from the assembly.

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As a part of our Inquiry unit into Structures the students had a model making challenge this week.

Their task was to create a strong and sturdy 3D structure that could stand some pressure (without falling apart).

We had very busy design, make and appraise sessions to complete this task. Most people worked in pairs to crete their models. There was quite a variety of structures created. The groups needed to roll and fold the pieces of paper and could only use masking tape to stick parts together. They also needed to recall some information about structures and bridges that we’d be researching and discussing during our investigations.

Here are photos of our final sharing session today
Technology on PhotoPeach

Can you tell us – what is the strongest shape used in buildings and structures?

Sharing Time

As a part of both our Inquiry topic and oral language developments each student is asked to prepare an item to share with the class each week as a part of our Sharing Time topics.

This weeks topic related to our Structures unit of Inquiry. Students were challenged to create a 3D structure/ shelter to share with the class.

We had such a wonderful variety of structures brought in. The children needed to explain their types of shelter, where its found, what materials it’s made of and any other useful information about it. Some of the models were igloos, teepees, houses, straw huts, Lego models of many types of shelters, a bomb shelter, villages and many more. Check out the gallery of photos from this week.

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Gardening in the ELC

Today we planted our broad bean and peas into the raised garden beds in the ELC (Environmental Learning Centre).

Two weeks ago we planted bean and peas seeds into tins that we’d collected and we’ve been watering them and watching them grow.

Today we planted them into the ELC gardens with our big buddies. We needed to dig holes to plant our seedlings, push some pea straw around the seedlings and make sure they were watered in. We’ve planted them around some  trellis’ so that the seedlings can climg up them.

Here’s some photos of our session today.

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Favourite Books

As a part of our Sharing Time topic last week, we were asked to bring along our favourite book to share with the class.

We had lots of different books that were all “good fit” books – a good fit books suits your reading level and skills. We’ve learned about good fit books from our Daily 5 Cafe learning.  It was a bit like our book sales – for our sales we bring along books to recommend to other  readers. They might like the sound of the stories/ series of books and we love to share our books – we all love to read!!

Here are some photos of our sharing time sessions last week. Each person who brought a book had a small group of children to share their story / stories with. We had lots of fun sharing and learning about each others books.

Sharing Time – Favourite Books on PhotoPeach

What are some books that you like to read? Can you recommend any great books we might like to read?

Camp Quality Puppet Show

Last Friday two performers came from Camp Quality to perform a show called Inside Out. The show was lots of fun and we learned some very important messages about living with cancer. We learned what the effects of cancer can be, how it is treated and what happens after someone has been treated. These were really important messages for in our class.

The main message from their show was: Laughter is the best medicine!

Here are some photos from the performance.

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Net Set Go!

Last week our class attended a Net Set Go netball clinic. This programme is aimed at children aged 5 to 10 years olds.

We practised lots of different ball skills, team skills and sportsmanship skills. We played Rob the nest to start and warm us up. The moved onto different ball skills and then some team games. It gave us all a little taste of what it’s like to learn netball.

Thanks to Mrs Pettman for organising this netball session for us – we loved it!!

Here’s some photos from our session.

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Sewing Groups

Over the last few weeks we have had small groups of parents doing sewing with our parent volunteers.

Each person had a fully self contained sewing kit to create an animal. We’ve made bears, frogs, birds, monkey faces and rabbits. A HUGE thank you to our parent helpers – especially for their patience!!

Here’s our finished creations.

Sewing on PhotoPeach

Sewing on PhotoPeach

What do you think of our sewing?

Our Assembly!

Congratulations to all of the children in our class on their wonderful presentation of today’s assembly. Everyone worked together as a team to present a really professional assembly. We had lots of parents in the audience who really enjoyed seeing all of the different items from each class.

Here’s some photos of our assembly.

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