Music with Mrs Rayner

This is a song we’ve learned in our Music lesson with Mrs Rayner. Our class has learned an African  welcoming song with Mrs Rayner. Our class was split into groups and each group played different instruments. We played xylophones (bass & alto), guiros, shakers and bass metallophones.

Crows AFL Clinic

Today our class went to a Crows Football Club assembly and then had a footy clinic to learn and practise football skills.

The assembly taught us about the need for healthy eating and exercise.

During the footy clinic we prastise dour kicking, tackling skills and did relays to practise ball skills.

Here are some photos of today’s session.


Crows Footy Clinic on PhotoPeach

ELC – Environmental Learning Centre

Last Friday we went out into the ELC with our buddy class. We had a great time clearing the garden of big branches, bark pieces and rubbish. We also did some weeding and got the garden beds ready for some planting. We are going to plant carrots, snow peas, broad beans – just to name a few veggies. Each week we are going to go out with our buddies to do the weeding, watering and check our garden bed.
Here’s a few photos of our morning.

Can you suggest some Winter vegetables that we could plant in the ELC?

Road Safety Excursion

As a part of our previous unit of Inquiry about Safety, our class visited the Road Safety Centre at Thebarton. We went on our excursion with the children in Mrs Chick’s Year 2 class.

We travelled to the Road Safety Centre by bus and we were met by Police Officer Rob when we arrived. We had a quick tour of the centre and then watched some Safety videos in the school area.

We learnt about:

  • Helmet safety
  • Car passenger safety
  • Safety equipment when riding bikes
  • Road crossing rules
  • Bike safety
  • Pedestrian safety

Then we went outside and fitted our bike helmets and chose a bike to ride around. Mrs Chick’s class were the pedestrians. After 45 minutes we swapped over and our class became the pedestrians and Mrs Chick’s class rode the bikes.

We had a lot of fun practising the road rules and safety rules while we rode our bikes on the mini road set up. We had to stop at the red lights, go on the green lights, stop if the railway signals were flashing on and off, stop for pedestrians at emu and school crossings, remember which way to go around the roundabout and most importantly to ride on the left side of the road.

When we were pedestrians we needed to wait at the lights for the green pedestrian man to light up so we knew it was safe to cross the road, look right, left and then right to cross the road safely, use the emu crossing and watch out for speeding bikes!!

We LOVED all of the activities at the Road Safety Centre.

Then we had lunch in Bonython Park and we played on the most amazing playground. It was so exciting to see so many different pieces of equipment to play on.

We were all really excited to hear that you can visit the Road Safety School on the weekend for free and use the roads, signs and park areas anytime you like. We can’t wait to go back there.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Chick for organising our day and to the 3 mums who helped our class – Alison, Candi and Kim. You were all a great help for us.

Here’s some photos of our day!!! Enjoy.

Road Safety Excursion – Part 1 on PhotoPeach

Road Safety Excursion – Part 2 on PhotoPeach

Road Safety Excursion – Part 3 on PhotoPeach


What did you enjoy about our excursion today?

Sports Day

Today we held our annual sports day. We love to participate in all the different events during our day. We had a special guest called Kris who is a triathlete. Kris talked to us about how hard athletes need to train and practise their sports to be successful. He also mentioned that he started sport at a young age – just like us! He is also a representative for the Premier’s Be Active group.

We have four house teams named after famous Australian athletes. The teams are called Fraser (green), Riley (red), Woodforde (yellow) and Bradman (blue).

Our class did the Year 2-4 events, which were:

  • hurdles
  • sprints
  • javelin/ chicken throw
  • long jump
  • relays – tunnel ball and under and over
  • bocce
  • long kick
  • Fireman’s relay – water in the bucket
  • sack race
  • 3 legged race

Our whole class had a wonderful day participating in all of the tabloid events. We tried our hardest to perform to the best of our ability and showed fair and honest sporting behaviour for the whole day.

The winning team for 2013 was Fraser!! Congratulations to the whole Fraser team.

Here are some photos of our day.

Sports Day 2013 on PhotoPeach

Sports Day 2013 – Part 2 on PhotoPeach

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Pettman our PE teacher who organised the whole day with the Sports Day committee.

What did you think of our Sports Day? Did you have a favourite event?

Congratulations Julian!

We are having a ‘free choice of topic’ as a part of our Sharing Time topics for the last week of school. Julian brought in his Little Athletics certificate that he received last Friday night.

We’d like to say a big congratulations to Julian on receiving his medal and certificate (showing his results in each event).

Musical Chairs Reading

Last Friday we finished our wonderful week at school with a game of Reading Musical chairs. We made a circle with our classroom chairs and a mixture of books were placed on them. When the music started we needed to walk around the circle of chairs, when the music stopped we sat on the nearest chair and started reading the books on it.

This is a wonderful chance to read different types of books that we may not usually choose. The books on the chairs were:

  • picture fiction
  • non fiction (facts & information)
  • novels
  • books without words – you have to create your own story in your mind

At the end of our session we reflected upon it. We all agreed that it was a fun way to read books that we wouldn’t usually choose and when we went to the Resource Centre to borrow our Library books for the week many children chose some new types of books.

Here’s some photos of our reading session.


Jaime and Holly’s Recorder Song

Jaime and Holly have been learning how to play the recorder. Their teacher is Sarah and each week they have lessons at school with Sarah. They also need to do lots of practise at home.

Today Sarah came and helped the girls play a couple of songs for our class. We thought they were very brave to perform in front of us, especially given that they have only been learning the recorder for about 8 weeks.

Here’s the songs they played.

IMG 7415 from Lisa Sporn on Vimeo.






What did you think of Jaime and Holly’s recorder items?