Bike Ed

This week our class had it’s third Bike ed session. This time we learned about passing bike/ scooter riders and pedestrians safely by ringing our bell or calling out. We love each session and the new skills we’re focussing on.

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Bike Ed lessons begin

Here’s 2 videos of our session.



Today our class had their first bike riding lesson with the Bike Ed teachers.

Our first session included:

  • the rules of Bike ed to keep us safe
  • safety lessons – why we wear bike helmets and some basic road safety tips
  • fitting our helmets properly
  • learning how to got on our bikes properly – opposite side to the chain
  • how to use our rear brakes  safely – if we use our front wheel hand brakes we could flip over the handle bars
  • riding at different speeds

We had lots of fun and 3 of our students had a really successful day – in 1 lesson they’ve learned to ride without their training wheels!! What a great achievement for them.

Check out the Craigburn Primary School’s Facebook page for some photos from our session and here’s some more photos.

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Our lessons will continue every Thursday for the next 3 weeks.

What do you think we’ll be learning about in our future lessons?