About Us via Pic Collage

This week we started using the Pic Collage app. This is a wonderful app that allows users to create collages of pictures and words to create a document.

Today we created a collage about ourselves, including our values, likes /dislikes and how we like to learn.  We think these are a great collection of information about our class.

Using iPads to Help our Learning

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Our current unit of Inquiry is investigating how items are changed from raw/ unprocessed items to processed items, for example grapes can be changed to sultanas.

We challenged students in our class to try and create a presentation at home using the camera/photo app and Pic Collage to show the difference between raw/ unprocessed items and processed items.

Evie, Heidi and Charlotte loved sharing their presentations from their iPads onto the IWB via Airplay. They received lots of positive and constructive feedback from their classmates and did a great job presenting their understandings so confidently.

Evie sharing her presentation – this also showed her understanding of natural vs man made items.

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Heidi showing her Pic Collage presentation.


Charlotte’s Pic collage presentation.

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