Sharing Time – Week 3

Last week we had a very special Sharing Time topic. We read a picture book called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox, an Adelaide writer (our home town). The book mentions how a young boy meets an older lady and how he helps her to remember lots of different things – many of them very special to her.

We used this storyline to create our own special memory bags to share with our classmates. It gave us a wonderful insight into each other as we get to know each other this year.

Here are some photos of each of the presenters with their special memory bags.

Isaac’s Sharing

This week we’ve had ‘free choice’ as our Sharing Time topic. We had a very special performance of TNT by ACDC from Isaac on his acoustic guitar.

Here’s a short clip of his performance this week – we ALL LOVED it!

What do you think of Isaac’s guitar skills?


Show Us Your Talent

As a part of our Inquiry unit we’ve been learning about ourselves as learners – finding out our what each of us is like, what others are like, their interests, their hobbies, what we each look like and so many other  areas.

This week we’ve been showing our classmates our ‘special talents’. Everyone was invited to show their special talent to the class and WOW we have a very talented class.

Here’s a list of the talents we saw:

  • Alex – dance
  • Ethan F – telling jokes
  • Charlotte- a iStar movie showing blowing a bubble with bubble gum, diving at swimming lessons, building a cubby, doing tricks with Dad and plaiting hair
  • Isabelle – showed a picture of her knee boarding
  • Jaime – performed an amazing mime
  • Ethan S – performed incredible magic tricks
  • Angus – showed us his BMX riding gear and explained their uses when he rides
  • Evie – dance performance
  • Jessica – dance performance
  • Jett – showed a picture of the motorbike he rides
  • Ashleigh – how to use a special frame to weave and tread bracelets
  • Grace – a dance performance
  • Isaac – played his electric guitar
  • Olivia M – showed her art /drawings
  • Seb – told us jokes
  • Lucas – did some acting (so clever!)
  • Harry P – soccer skills
  • Kweku – performed a magic trick
  • Harry R – playing gold. He showed a clip hitting a golf ball over the water on his iPod.
  • Nancy – performed a dance
  • Nicholas – dancing ball in a cup
  • Olivia Q – played music on a keyboard
  • Carol – performed a magic trick
  • Heidi D – did some acting.

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What do you think of our special talents? We’re a very talented bunch of children!

Show Us Your Talent

This week we had an exciting Sharing Time topic. It was called ‘Show Us Your Talent’.

This was a chance for each student to show us any kind of talent they had. WOW – we have an amazingly talented class.

Some of the talents that were shared were:

  • soccer skills
  • twirling a light sabre
  • gymnastics
  • bird experts
  • mobilo model making skills
  • dancing
  • using diablos
  • making loom band items
  • tying knots with ropes
  • singing
  • playing the recorder
  • hoop twirling
  • judo moves
  • taekwondo moves
  • performing magic card tricks
  • flying models.

We have such an amazing class, with so many different talents.

Check out the photos from  our fun and fantastic week – it just shows how we all have so many different skills and we can work together in our class.

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Memory Bags

As a part of developing our oral language skills, each day we have a small group of students present about a topic to the rest of the class. Their Sharing Time topic usually relates to our unit of Inquiry, in this weeks case the topic was bring a bag of memories.

We read a book called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox and used some of the ideas in the book to present information about ourselves. We had a special brown bag with the explanation on the outside and decorated the bag to show things we liked.


This week we learnt a lot about the people in our class – things that bring back lots of different memories, things that make them laugh, things that make them cry and special treasures that they have.

Here are some of the photos from our Sharing Time sessions.IMG_4425 IMG_4424 IMG_4423 IMG_4422 IMG_4420 IMG_4418 IMG_4407 IMG_4403 IMG_4402 IMG_4401 IMG_4398 IMG_4397 IMG_4395 IMG_4394 IMG_4393 IMG_4391 IMG_4390 IMG_4389 IMG_4388 IMG_4385 IMG_4384 IMG_4382 IMG_4381 IMG_4380 IMG_4379 IMG_4378 IMG_4376


Our Family’s Favourite Books

As a part of this week’s Sharing Time we have looked at the books our parents and grandparents enjoyed reading when they were children. We had lots of very well loved books brought in and it was really interesting to hear what people liked about their books. We had a variety of books – from fiction to non fiction, novels, folk tales and stories from overseas, written in different languages. Hearing about these stories gave us a greater understanding of our families histories and where they grew up. We also found that we loved reading some of these stories even now – like The Secret Seven, The Magic Faraway Tree, Blinky Bill, Dr Seuss books. We loved hearing about the different stories – it was a great sharing topic! Beth even recorded her conversation with her Dad as an interview – we’ve included her notes in our photos.

Here’s photos with our books.

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What were your favourite books to read when you were a child?


Tell Me a Story

As a part of our Sharing Time topics that relate to our Inquiry unit we were asked to ‘tell a story’ to the class. It can be very challenging to tell a story – not read it or have a book with you for support. It showed just how brave the students were and so well organised.

We are learning about all the different ways stories can be told – like books, drawings, telling stories, performances, songs, plays, etc.

This we the class were so creative with their storytelling. We had such a variety of ideas presented.

We heard stories told through:

  • plays
  • puppet plays
  • home made puppets and theatres brought in
  • pictures glued in sequence to tell a story
  • apps used on iPad like Puppet Pals
  • plays told with trees and characters
  • Lego characters used
  • and so many more!!!!

Nearly all of the materials used were home made by the students and many stories were created by the students, which showed just how clever and creative they are!

Here’s photos from
Tell Me a Story on PhotoPeach

What did you think of our storytelling sessions?

Sharing Picture Books

As a part of our latest inquiry unit we are learning all the different ways stories can be told. We kicked off our inquiry by bringing in our favourite picture book to share with a small group.

We needed to remember the important skills of reading a book to others, like-

  • speaking clearly
  • using expression to make the story sound even more interesting
  • showing the audience the pictures
  • stopping at full stops and taking a breath – don’t rush a good story
  • asking what people understood from the story – checking for understanding.

We’ve been learning about these reading skills through our Daily 5 work.

We had a huge variety of books brought in – it’s always interesting to see what kinds of books are interested in sharing.

This was also a great way to prepare for Bookweek, which is this week. There’s lots to see and do in our Library with Mrs Langham.

Here are photos from our Sharing time reading activity last week.
Picture book sharing on PhotoPeach

What books can you recommend to us – we love to hear about new books to read.

Oscar’s Visitors

This week is free choice of topic for sharing time. We can bring any item that we’d like to share with the class.

Oscar bought his new guinea pigs along to show us. There were 3 guinea pigs – each of Oscar’s brothers got a guinea pig, as well as Oscar.

Oscar showed us each of the guinea pigs and gave a detailed explanation of what they eat and how they need to be looked after.