Assembly Awards

Today four members of our class received assembly awards. Mr Wait presented these awards as  a part of today’s assembly.

They were:

  • Paul for a great start to the school year.
  • Lucy for very detailed Art work.
  • Jamie for reading with great expression and
  • Libby for writing entertaining and well detailed stories.
We’d like to say “congratulations” to Paul, Lucy, Jamie and Libby for working so hard to earn their awards.

Our School

We’ve taken some photos of our school. It’s a quick and easy for our Quadblogging buddies, Travel Buddies and online friends to see what our school looks like.

This year we have started the school year with 409 students from Reception to Year 7. There are 19 classes.

We have lots of different classroom areas – there is the Reception Unit, Year 1 and 2 classrooms, the Year 3 Unit, the Year 4 and 5 classrooms and our Middle School classrooms that have our Year 5/6 and 6/7 classes in them.

Mrs Raynor is our Music teacher. Mrs Pettmann is our PE (Physical Education) teacher. Frau James is our German teacher and Mrs Langham is our teacher/Librarian in the Resource Centre. Mrs Reid works in the Happy Room.

Mr Wait is our Principal, Mr Luke is our Deputy Principal and Mrs Gillespie is our Assistant Principal.

Here are some photos of our school – our classrooms, the gym, the Music room, our netball/ basketball courts, the oval and our gardening/environmental centre.

Tamika, Libby, Will, Emma, Cooper and Trent took the photos so we could put this slide show together – thanks team!

Craigburn Primary School 2012 on PhotoPeach


What do ou think of our school and it’s grounds? How is it similar or different to your school?