Buddy Class Clean Up

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Today we did a fantastic activity with our Year 6/7 buddy class. We cleaned up the entire school yard and then graphed our findings. We created 2 graphs – 1 showed what type of rubbish we collected and the other showed which areas had the most amount of rubbish.

Mr Spurr did an amazing job leading this activity with the Year 6/7 students – we LOVED working with our buddies.

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It was interesting to see what type of rubbish we found in the yard – lots of plastic wrappers/ plastic rubbish were the most common. Check out the movie showing every part of the process.

We talked about these graphs in our class and worked out ways we can keep our school cleaner in the future.


A huge thank you to Damien, Katie and Sam for working really hard with Mr Spurr to complete the graphs during recess time – a very messy job!