“Mini Buddies”

Today we invited the class of new Receptions to be a part of our buddy class. Our buddy class is Ms Grant’s Year 5 class and we meet every Tuesday to do different activities. Some of these activities are partner reading, Art/Craft, model making, computing and outdoor games. We LOVE our weekly catch ups with our Buddy Class. The new Reception class didn’t have a buddy class and so we invited them to join us for our weekly catch up. Today they started by joining us for eating time at the start of lunch.
We enjoyed meeting the new Receptions and think that they are our ‘mini buddies!!’ We are looking forward to meeting with them again.

Our class was very excited to be the ‘older’ children for the Receptions.

Here are some photos of us all eating together.











7 thoughts on ““Mini Buddies”

  1. Hi room 24! What a great idea being “big-buddies” I’m sure you will be very helpful and welcoming for the new reception kids. This will give you some practice for next year.

  2. Great job room 24. You were all new kids not very long ago and it can be a little bit scary at a brand new school. ‘Mini-buddies’ is a terrific idea.

  3. Oh that’s lovely, this is a great new class of 13 new students,(Mini-Buddies). I was lucky enough to have the chance to meet most of them at the park during the school holidays. They are just SO excited about being “Big Schoolies,” and I’m thrilled they have all you amazing children as their big buddies. Have lots of fun with your new little friends.
    From Deb (Jordan’s Mum) p.s. did you like your gingerbread men boys in group 2. They looked great. Well done. 🙂

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