
Yesterday we went to the Year 1/2/3/4 assembly. It was an entertaining assembly, hosted by Ms Humphrys class – we thought they did a great job running the assembly so smoothly.
Our class shared the 3D newspaper models that we’d made as a part of our current Inquiry unit. The challenge was to make a strong and stable 3D structure. At the assembly we showed boats, ships, bridges, prison gates, teepees, triangular prisms, bus shelters and “random” structures. Ethan did a really good job introducing our item and explaining about triangulation – how and why triangles are used in structures because they are the strongest shape.
We’d like to congratulate George, Holly W, Holly B and Liam on receiving their assembly awards.

Here are some photos from the assembly.

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One thought on “Assembly

  1. I really enjoyed seeing your strong 3D structures! Maybe some of you will become engineers and architects of the future!
    Well done Ethan on your confident speaking – you should feel very proud!

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