PJ Day

Last Friday our school had a whole school fundraiser for our World Vision student, John Sebunya. Our SLEG students organised this day, along with our class SRC Reps. Each student was asked to come to school dressed in their pyjamas and make a gold coin donation towards World Vision. We had a great day, with lots of fun activities.

Here’s some photos of Pyjama Day.

PJ Day on PhotoPeach

What did you enjoy about Pyjama Day?

4 thoughts on “PJ Day

  1. trying for third time, but think theres a technical issue Lisa…

    “How wonderful that you are sponsoring John through World Vision, so that he can have a better life.
    I hope he somehow gets to see a picture of you all in your amazing kaleidoscope of jarmies!”

  2. Love, love, love PJ day!
    All the colourful assortment of varied pyjamas….and all going towards a valuable cause!
    I wonder how many of you had an early night!!

  3. Looks like lots of fun was had for PJ Day. Lots of smiles and happy faces. Its important to look after people who aren’t so fortunate as us. Having fun whilst raising money is a great way for everyone to get something out of it.

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