Daily 5 Book Sale

We recently held a book sale in our class. We LOVE a book sale as it gives every student in our class a chance to share 1 or more books that they think we might like to read.

As a part of each student’s presentation they need to include:

  • the title
  • the name of the author
  • a basic retell of the story (without giving away the ending!)
  • the format or style of the book
  • and most importantly – why it might appeal to us as a reader! What will we enjoy about the book?

This time we had Riley, Bel, Coby, Oz, Lauren, Harrison, Keira and Jon present books to us. Each of them did a wonderful job – they gave very detailed insights into the books they presented. Lots of class members were looking for them in our Library during our book borrowing session that afternoon.

Great job to Riley, Bel, Coby, Oz, Lauren, Harrison, Keira and Jon for getting us all interested in some new books.

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Using technology to show our learning

As a part of our Inquiry into Artefacts we’ve been investigating the changes different items have gone through over the years.

Our class members chose an object and created a timeline to show how and why an object has changed over time. They investigated changes in their chosen object, when the changes happened and how it improved or changed.
Some of the topics were:

  • swim suits
  • clothing
  • airplanes
  • computers
  • cars
  • surfboards
  • school

This process involved lots of new skills – we’ve used iPads to research the topic and find key dates and facts, we took screenshots of images that were free to use, learnt how to edit and crop an image and publish all of the relevant information and images in iBook Creator.

The students had to work really hard and this research was a lot more challenging than we thought it would be. They worked very hard int teams and shared the workload to create their books.

We shared our iBooks via airplay onto our interactive whiteboard so that the whole class could see our books and provide feedback.

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Musica Viva Performance

Last Friday  we had a very special musical performance by Tigramuna  co-ordinated by Musica Viva. Tigramuna is a group of musicians who play South American urban music. We learnt about the music of Latin America and the rhythms they use in their music. The members of the group were; Nick, Claudio, Carlos, Eddie and Marco.

Many students were chosen from the audience to participate in the performance by playing different musical instruments on stage and we all clapped and danced to the rhythms of the songs.


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Global Cardboard Challenge

Last Friday we held a cardboard challenge as a part of our Genius Hour  time. We collected all sorts of cardboard boxes – every shape and size you can imagine. Our Genius Hour session tied in with the Global Cardboard Challenge being held in classrooms all around the world.

During the week we watched different YouTube clips, used google images, looked on Pinterest for ideas and had lots of discussions about what we’d like to create during our cardboard challenge.

We had so many different ideas – games, board games, models of cars – both big and small, desk organisers, arcade games, experiments – just to name a few!

We had lots of people working in teams or with a partner to create their model  so there was lots of co-operation, collaboration and many negotiations to come to an agreement that everyone liked.

Here’s the photos from Friday’s session.


Plant Donations

We’d like to say a  big “thank you” to Matilda R and her family for donating 2 Staghorn ferns for our ELC (Environmental Learning Centre). These ferns have now been mounted onto a tree and a backing board so that they can start to grow in our lovely gardening centre.

We can’t wait to see how much they grow.

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Excursion to Tailem Town


Our current unit of inquiry is called ‘History through artefacts.’  We are investigating how objects have changed over time and how this impacts our lives.

Today, we travelled by bus to an old pioneer village called Old Tailem Town to look how people lived in the past (olden days). We walked all around the village and looked closely at the houses, rooms, tools, old vehicles like cars, trucks, farm machinery, carts and all of the different businesses you have in a pioneer town, like a bakery, church, town hall, old cinema, car garage, dentist, hospital, news agents, train station, green grocers, butcher and many many more!

We got a really good understanding of how people lived in the “olden days” and how tough their lives were compared to ours now. It was very interesting to see all of the different objects and materials they used or owned. We’re looking forward to using our new understandings back at school for different activities.

A highlight of the day was our ‘school lesson’ with Mr Squires. Our classes had to line up in 2 lines for an outside assembly. Then we were inspected by teachers to make sure the laces were tied on our shoes and our hands were clean. We sang God Save the Queen and then marched into the classroom. We sat at our old school desks as Mr Squires explained how school worked in the past – with ink wells, the cane, special school bags or satchels, slates to write on and Primmers to read.

We’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to our parent helpers – Julie, Tracy and Chelsea. It was great to have you helping us during the day.

Well done to the people who dressed up to fit in with our ‘olden days’ topic – you all looked great.

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Science Week

As a part of our Sharing Time topics we challenged our students to bring along a ‘simple Science experiment’ to share with the class.  They needed to be very well prepared to have all of the materials they needed, know the order of the steps to complete their experiment and be able to explain the Science in their experiment.

WOW!!! Everyone in the class did an amazing job presenting their Science experiment. We had a huge variety of experiments presented like:

  • chemical reactions like – Mentos in a bottle of Coke, detergents separating fats in milk, lava lamp, volcanoes – the reaction of pouring vinegar over bicarbonate soda
  • shrinking a potato
  • a tornado in a bottle
  • a lava lamp – showing how oil and water never mix but creating bubbles with an aspirin tablet.
  • using water to stretch scrunched paper
  • spinning eggs – which spins or wobbles a boiled egg or raw egg
  • bending a burning match
  • a pendulum swing – showing the forces used with different weighted pendulums
  • a wave in a bottle
  • colour travelling up flowers – showing how plants carry water up stems to leaves and petals
  • a balloon rocket -releasing air from a balloon to move it along string
  • testing an eggs float-ablity!

It was great to see and hear everyone clearly explain their experiments and they were all really well prepared. Many of the students had procedures written down or copied which linked to our procedure writing focus perfectly.

Well done to everyone!

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Book week Dress Up Day

As a part of our Bookweek celebrations each student in our class was asked to bring along a book to share and read with a small group.

This was an exciting opportunity to share a book that each student loved and was important to them. We had quite a large variety of books brought in – picture books, novels, non fictions texts – all very special to each person.

Everyone read their books with confidence and in a clear way – we loved hearing why their books were important to them.

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