At Craigburn Primary School we are very lucky to have access to lots of different types of technology to support us in our learning.
In our class we have:
- laptops
- Apple computers (that we can flip into Windows if needed)
- iPads
- iPods
- iPhones
- iPad minis
- Interactive Whiteboards
- digital cameras
We use these devices for research, publishing our work, communicating with others around the world, downloading music and movies, practising skills and for fun!! We also love our class blog that shares our learning with the whole world!
Lots of our class members have devices and computers at home too – these can help with their school learning and be used for fun too.
When Miss Sporn went to school there were no computers at schools and only 6 electronic typewriters to share with a whole class.
Here is what an electronic typewriter looks like.

Miss Sporn learned to type on a manual typewriter – here’s a picture of one.

There have been huge changes since those days!!!
We’d like to invite our parents, grandparent,family friends to post their comments about how technology has changed for them over time. What did you use as a child or adult compared to now? Perhaps you had turntables, Commodore 64 computers, polaroid cameras or something else – we may need pictures so we can see what they look like.
We’re really looking forward to hearing from you about your experience with technology.