Daily Fitness

Today we played one our ‘old’ Daily Fitness games called Toilet Chasey. It’s like playing stuck in the mud but when you are caught by a ‘catcher’ you have to squat down, circle your arms to make a toilet seat and wait for someone to real ease you by sitting on the toilet and flushing it (by tapping you on the head). It’s lots of fun and we really enjoyed it. We originally learnt it from a visiting teacher who taught us how to play. We really like it as a fitness game because we run a lot and then catch our breath when we’re caught and then take off again running. Everyone gets a turn at being a catcher – we turn our hats inside out so we know they’re catchers!

Here’s some photos of our fitness session.

Daily Fitness- Toilet Chasey!! on PhotoPeach

What are some of your favourite daily fitness games? Can you teach us how to play it?

Global Children’s Walking Challenge

Congratulations to everyone in our class who joined in for the Global Children’s Walking Challenge. Last Thursday we finished the Global Children’s Walking Challenge. Our class finished in Lake Sagami-ko in Japan. We didn’t quite make the official finish in Antarctica but made a huge effort to finish. Our final position on the leader board was 302 in the world – which is pretty amazing. Our class worked really hard as a team to collect as many steps as possible and we loved learning about all of the locations around the world. It was fascinating to learn about cities and countries that we’d never heard of before.


Here’s our final position on the leader board.

Our Term 2 Reflections

As it is the end of Term 3 we always reflect back upon our learning over the past term. Each of us needed to think of our favourite 5 things about the term and list 5 feelings about our learning from during the term. We all took turns at entering our 10 words to create a whole class Wordle. The more times a word is mentioned the bigger is becomes in the Wordle.

Looking at our Wordle, can you see what were some of our favourite activities?


Student Initiative!!!

On Wednesday Libby, Tamika and Charlotte, some our Year 2 students, asked if they could run an ‘Art Club‘ for our class. I thought “Why not?” So the girls explained that they would like to offer ‘Art lessons’ for students who might be interested. We negotiated when and where the lessons would happen and what activity and resources the girls felt they would need.

So Libby, Tamika and Charlotte discussed what they would need and have to offer.

Here is the list they came up with:

  • They would need- Art paper, Craypas textas, craypas, pencils, desks and a teacher to help supervise (me!).
  • A flyer to advertise.

They wanted to create a flyer to advertise their Art Club so people could take time to think about what they had to offer.

Here is flyer the girls presented to the class during lunch eating time.

Then they explained what they wanted to offer the class. The students had some great questions like:

  • What will we be making?
  • What days is it on and what time?
  • What if I’m away – will I have to leave the Art club?
  • Do I need to bring anything?
  • What if I can only make 1 day because I’m doing another activity on the other day?

They created a word document for interested students to sign up on and later printed it to use as their roll sheet. 15 students signed up immediately!

Then the girls spent a lunch break looking through my Art books for ideas that they use. They bookmarked lots of different ideas – for future reference! They decided on the materials they would need. They also worked out the roles each would be responsible for – Libby and Tamika are the teachers and Charlotte is responsible for resources (and teaching if needed).

Today (Friday) Libby, Tamika and Charlotte held their first Art Club during lunch – they were so excited!!!

They organised the tables and resources and got started on their very first Art work.

Here are some pictures to give you an idea of how things went.

It was just amazing and inspiring to see these 3 girls take on such an adventure and really thinking the whole process through.

They’ve been resourceful, thoughtful, creative, artistic, inspiring, had fun and lots of laughs…. I could go on and on!

I felt very proud of the initiative they showed to create a club for others. I wonder what they’ll do next???? I wonder what their future holds? Remember they are just 7 years old!

Regards – Lisa S (Very Proud class teacher)


What do you think of Libby, Tamika and Charlotte’s idea? They’d love to hear from you!




Even More Bucket Filling

Today we re-read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” We’ve actually re-read it lots of times because we just love it!

We had a special “bucket filling session” and spent about 20 minutes filling other people’s buckets. We have been doing lots of bucket filling over the last few weeks.

We’ve found lots of resources on the Internet about Bucket Filling and have included a photo of a template some of us used today – but we still LOVE making our own notes for our friends.

Here are photos of our latest bucket filling session.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? on PhotoPeach

Jelly Cam – Our Day

Today Miss Sporn set up her laptop with Jelly Cam running for the entire school day. Jelly Cam is set that it takes 1 photo every 10 seconds and then joins those photos together to make it into a movie.
You will notice how our day has run.
Our Friday routine was:

  • come into the classroom and get ready for the day
  • using laptops to publish narrative stories
  • fruit time and sharing time
  • recess
  • getting our readers and book boxes ready for buddy class reading outdoors
  • buddy spelling test
  • going to Library for borrowing and browsing
  • lunch
  • coming after lunch and reading Witches – our class novel
  • leaving the room to play “Water and Ice” in the gym
  • free time for 15 minutes
  • packing up for the end of the day and getting ready to go home
  • leaving for home!
Here was our day.

Untitled from Lisa Sporn on Vimeo.