Tonight we held our annual Open Night at Craigburn Primary School. It’s a brilliant opportunity for our families and friends to visit our school and tour through all classrooms and learning spaces. Our class had lots of learning on display – our structures brochures, the picture books we’ve made, apps showing our learning on iPads and iPods, problem solving tasks using the problem solving skills we’ve been practising, our iMovie trailers (in the gym) and so much more.
The students in our class were asked to take their parents, carers and families on tours through the whole school. It’s a wonderful way to see what’s happening in our whole school – from Reception to Year 7.
We created a Padlet and displayed it on our interactive whiteboard and asked visitors to our room to post comments.
Here’s our Padlet from tonight.
It was fantastic to chat with students from our class and their families. It’s also lovely to catch up with past students as they tour through. The students in our class did a wonderful job showing their learning and explaining lots of things to their families – it was great to see them being such excellent leaders.
Here’s some photos of our visitors tonight.