Today Miss Hunt’s Year 2 class hosted our Years 2-4 assembly. We thought they did a great job – it’s not easy hosting an assembly.
Some of the items were sharing writing stories, with the use of adjectives, and our Girls Junior Choir sang a song. They sounded wonderful. Well done to Mrs Rayner who is the choir co-ordinator.
Congratulations to the three members of our class earned awards.
Oscar: for great work across all areas of the curriculum.
Will: for developing his computing skills and being able to run all of the music and IT needs for assemblies (check out his photo below)
Hannah: for detailed Art work using Aboriginal drawing techniques and colours and writing a detailed story to match this picture.
Mrs Gillespie presented the awards today on behalf of Mr Wait our Principal. Here are some photos of the assembly.
Here are some photos from today’s assembly.

We are uploading our video of the Girls Junior Choir soon. A huge Thank You to Sienna for recording it on the iPhone for us.
We hope you can come along to our next assembly this Friday – it’s to celebrate Craigburn Primary’s 30th Birthday!!
Do you enjoy our assemblies? What are some items you would like to see at an assembly?
Here are Assembly Award people: