Last Assembly for 2012

On Tuesday we had our last Year 2-4 assembly for 2012. Mrs Perejma’s class hosted the assembly and our class presented some Art work called Big Mouths. We folded art paper into thirds and drew a face onto it. In the middle section of the page we opened the mouth to show a picture inside.

Lots of children received awards in our class: Nathan, Jenny, Jamie, Samuel, Sarah, Maisie and Aiden.

Here are some photos of our assembly. We’ll add some Art work pictures soon.

Year 2- 4 Assembly

Today we held went to our Year 2- 4 Assembly. Miss Pinkster’s class were the hosts and most classes had some learning to share.

Miss Hunt’s class showed yellow fish art work inspired by Paul Klee.
Mrs Chick’s class shared the narrative picture books that they created. They held a special book launch in the Library, with lots of special guests attending.
Mrs Freebairn’s class showed Inquiry learning. They’ve been investigating rain forests. They had posters, tree models and a PowerPoint presentation.
Mr Wait presented the awards and photos of our class member who received an award are coming.

We had lots of fun seeing what other classes have been learning about. It’s always really interesting to see what people have been doing.

What did you enjoy about our assembly today?
What do you do for Assemblies at your school?

Bookweek 2012

This week is Bookweek. The Children’s Book Council of Australia hold an annual competition to see which is the best book in a variety of categories. There are a number of books nominated in different sections and then the judges vote for a winner.

Our Library is having every class visit the Library this week to work with Mrs Langham on lots of different Bookweek activities. Every year level is doing something different. Stay tuned for some photos later in the week, after our visit on Thursday.

We have been reading lots of the books in the lead up to Bookweek and will be having a dress-up day this Friday. We are able to dress as any character from a book – our imaginations are running wild!!! We will be showing our costumes to the rest of the school during our whole school assembly on Friday morning.

Here’s a poll for you to vote on your favourite book for the Early Childhood Books. Please vote for the book you enjoyed reading.

Here’s poll for Picture Book of the Year – vote for the one you really liked.

Assembly Awards

Today we attended the Year 2-4 assembly. There were five people from our class that received Assembly Awards. Today Ben, Laurie, Tamika, Cooper and Sienna. Congratulations to these class members.

Years 2-4 Assembly

Today Miss Hunt’s Year 2 class hosted our Years 2-4 assembly. We thought they did a great job – it’s not easy hosting an assembly.

Some of the items were sharing writing stories, with the use of adjectives, and our Girls Junior Choir sang a song. They sounded wonderful. Well done to Mrs Rayner who is the choir co-ordinator.

Congratulations to the three members of our class earned awards.

Oscar: for great work across all areas of the curriculum.

Will: for developing his computing skills and being able to run all of the music and IT needs for assemblies (check out his photo below)

Hannah: for detailed Art work using Aboriginal drawing techniques and colours and writing a detailed story to match this picture.

Mrs Gillespie presented the awards today on behalf of Mr Wait our Principal. Here are some photos of the assembly.

Here are some photos from today’s assembly.


















We are uploading our video of the Girls Junior Choir soon. A huge Thank You to Sienna for recording it on the iPhone for us.

We hope you can come along to our next assembly this Friday – it’s to celebrate Craigburn Primary’s 30th Birthday!!

Do you enjoy our assemblies? What are some items you would like to see at an assembly?

Here are Assembly Award people:



Assembly Hosts!

On Tuesday our class hosted the Year 2  – Year 5  assembly.

To prepare for our assembly we needed to go to different classes to see who had work to share. Then we typed up our assembly agenda and worked out which students would present items or introduce classes or speakers.

As the time got nearer to starting the assembly we had people who were excited and very nervous. It’s a big challenge for Year 2/3 students to host an assembly.

This week’s assembly had a combination of items – percussion items, whole class poems, body facts, story maps, certificate presentations and a whole lot more!

Congratulations to our whole class – they presented and introduced each item very confidently and made sure the audience were engaged the whole time! Well done team!
At the end of these assembly photos you’ll see our 4 certificate awards recipients. Congratulations to Ned, Chloe, Lachlan and Charlotte! Great work guys!!

Hosting Assembly on PhotoPeach


Did you attend our assembly? If you did, what did you think?



Harmony Day

Today we celebrated Harmony Day at school and all around Australia. The message for Harmony Day in 2012 is that Everyone Belongs, which means all Australians are a welcome part of our country, regardless of their background. It’s a time to reflect on where Australia has come from, recognising the traditional owners of this land. It’s also about community participation, inclusiveness and respect – celebrating the different cultures that make Australia a great place to live.

We celebrate the cultural diversity of our nation.

Orange is the colour that we wear to show our support for Harmony Day.

OUR SLEG students held a Harmony Day assembly to show what each class had done to celebrate the day and to discuss what Harmony Day means for all of us.

Here are the photos from our day:
Harmony Day on PhotoPeach

Here is the link to the Harmony Day website.







Special Guest – Lorin Nicholson

On Wednesday Craigburn Primary was very lucky to have a special visitor.
It was Lorin Nicholson. Lorin is a motivational speaker and one of Australia’s leading guitarists. Lorin has been legally blind since birth but hasn’t let that stop him from achieving some amazing things. In 2009 he was nominated for Young Australian of the Year for his work in the community, he has ridden a bicycle from Perth to Sydney – over 4000km and he loves to work in schools and talk with students about his hopes and aspirations.

As a part of Lorin’s See Sharp presentation he delivers a messages about:

  • Choice & Attitude
  • Overcoming negativity & Peer Pressure
  • Teasing/Bullying
  • Respect & Inclusion
  • Resilience & Perseverance
  • Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Setting & Achieving Goals
  • Building Future Leaders & Striving for Excellence
The class has talked so positively about Lorin’s visit – they loved the entire performance. He certainly got his message across to the entire audience.
Here are some photos of the presentation.

Assembly Awards

Today four members of our class received assembly awards. Mr Wait presented these awards as  a part of today’s assembly.

They were:

  • Paul for a great start to the school year.
  • Lucy for very detailed Art work.
  • Jamie for reading with great expression and
  • Libby for writing entertaining and well detailed stories.
We’d like to say “congratulations” to Paul, Lucy, Jamie and Libby for working so hard to earn their awards.