Book Tastings

Today during our Library lesson we worked with Mrs Langham. Today we did some book tastings – we’ve never tried that before! It was a way for us to try new books, experiment with books we normally wouldn’t choose and see if there’s a new book we’d like to try. There were lots of different types of books in our circle – we looked at titles of books, the pictures on the front cover, asked ourselves – does that look like an interesting book, read the blurb and then started reading the book. Then we tried the same process with a different book and then another.

It was a really interesting activity and lots of us chose books we’d never noticed before. Then we browsed and borrowed for the week, setting up our book boxes for the next week. Some of us borrowed the new books from our ‘tastings’ session.

Thanks Mrs Langham for a great Library session. We had lots of fun and were really interested in the different books you showed us.
Book Tastings on PhotoPeach

What books did you try at our book tastings session?

Bookweek 2012

Last we we celebrated Bookweek in lots of different ways.
We read lots of the Bookweek books, worked with Mrs Langham in the Library (we read a Bookweek book called A Bus Classed Heaven and presented ourselves on a bus as community members – linking to our current inquiry unit), presented our learning at the whole school assembly, held a book sale – advertising books to our classmates and modelled this book sale for Miss Hunt’s Year 2 class, Paul read his own book called “A Sharing Community” at the assembly, we brought favourite books from home to share with our classmates and had a dress up day on Friday – we came dressed a book character fro on of our favourite stories.

Here are lots of photos showing you our fantastic week. We had so much fun celebrating books!

Bookweek Activities on PhotoPeach

What was your favourite activity from Bookweek?

Bookweek 2012

This week is Bookweek. The Children’s Book Council of Australia hold an annual competition to see which is the best book in a variety of categories. There are a number of books nominated in different sections and then the judges vote for a winner.

Our Library is having every class visit the Library this week to work with Mrs Langham on lots of different Bookweek activities. Every year level is doing something different. Stay tuned for some photos later in the week, after our visit on Thursday.

We have been reading lots of the books in the lead up to Bookweek and will be having a dress-up day this Friday. We are able to dress as any character from a book – our imaginations are running wild!!! We will be showing our costumes to the rest of the school during our whole school assembly on Friday morning.

Here’s a poll for you to vote on your favourite book for the Early Childhood Books. Please vote for the book you enjoyed reading.

Here’s poll for Picture Book of the Year – vote for the one you really liked.