
Last Friday afternoon the 3 classes in our Unit began a 3 week series of Electives. Parents have volunteered to run a variety of activities for the students. Each session runs for 1 hour and there are 6 people in each group.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience activities that they many never have done before. It’s also a really good opportunity to learn the rules of games properly and how to play by the rules.

The different activities are:

  • gardening
  • making lavender bags and pillows
  • singing lessons
  • yoga/ pilates / boxing lessons
  • basketball
  • jewellery design and making
  • board games
  • card games
  • playing Chinese Checkers
  • sewing
  • cooking pikelets
  • cooking cupcakes
  • cooking muffins
  • learning to play chess

Here are some photos of our first Elective session. Everyone had a great time and can’t wait for the next sessions this Friday.
Electives on PhotoPeach

What did you think of our Electives? What sessions have you signed ups or?

Gala Day

Last Friday our school held it’s Gala Day. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to run a stall and raise money for our World Vision sponsor student John. The stalls are run by students from Year 3-7. The students work under the direction of our Deputy Principal, Mr Luke and need to run the stall by themselves. Class teachers and parents are also a wonderful support in helping to get stalls ready for trading.

Some of the stalls this year were:

  • a basketball throw
  • sponge throwing
  • nail painting
  • lolly and cake stalls
  • balloon art – hats, dogs, swords
  • drinks – slushies, cool drinks
  • painting stall
  • guess how many lollies are in the jar

and SO many more.

The other school students are encouraged to bring along lots of coins to spend on different items or activities. Most stalls charge about 50c – or less! So you can get great value for your money.

We raised over $1600- for our sponsor student John – what an amazing effort by everyone.

Here are some photos of our day.

Gala Day on PhotoPeach

Craigburn’s Got Talent

Today we held the finals of our Craigburn’s Got Talent performances and WOW the children at Craigburn really DO have a lot of talent!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Ethan for winning the Craigy for 2012.

Ethan performed a song on the saxaphone.

He is a Year 3 in the classroom nextdoor to us. 

Here’s a photo of Ethan as he receives the Craigy trophy.

Two weeks ago Mrs Rayner started to hold the try outs for each class. We had lots of students prepare and organise their performances for our try outs on Tuesday. After a long week of performances from all Reception to Year 7 students the finalists were announced.

There was a great variety of acts that made the finals – solo singers, group songs and dances, skipping, dances, hip hop dance, musical instruments being played and so many more.

Our class had four different groups make the final.

Lachlan played his drums and sang Come Together by the Beatles.

Lucy and Sarah sang and danced to a song.

Emma, Jenny and Hannah sang and danced to a One Direction song.

Samuel sang a song.

We’d like to say congratulations to all of the students who were brave enough to organise and prepare an item for Craigburn’s Got Talent. It takes a lot of courage and confidence to perform in front of an audience of around 600 people.

The judges found it really difficult to make a final decision as there can only be one winner of the Craigy trophy.  There were lots of ties for the second and third positions – well done to everyone!

Here are all of the members from our class that tried out for Craigburn’s Got Talent!

Here are the class members that made the finals today.


Global Walking Challenge

Our class has been participating in the Global Children’s Challenge. Our challenge is to “walk our way around the world.” Each student wears a pedometer everyday and records their daily steps in their log book. Each morning our class tally’s the total amount of steps that we’ve taken together. We enter our steps and they are divided by the number of children who gave their step tally’s to give us an average step count. This is entered and we start to “walk our way around the world.”

We started the challenge at Niagara Falls and have moved around North America, South America, including the Amazon Rainforest, over to Africa, over to Madagascar, back to Africa and we are currently in Kampala, Uganda.

This is challenge provides us with so much information about the world we live in – we love reading about our destinations, what money they use, the capital cities and states and names of countries and where they are in the world. We’ve learned a lot about countries around the world and their cultures.

This is also a great way to recognise the amount of exercise we already do, plus it challenges us to keep moving. We aim to walk 10,000 steps each per day- this keeps us fit and active. We need to work as a team and encourage and support each other. It also improves our number skills in Maths – we need to read higher numbers, add them and work out who is our highest stepper for each day.

Here is a link to the challenge if you are interested in signing up for 2013.

Last Friday our class was 139th in the world – we thought it was so impressive we took at screenshot of the leader board with our position.


What do you think about our progress? Are you enjoying the Challenge?

End of Term Assembly – Official Opening of the Environmental Learning Centre

On the last day of term we held our end of term assembly out on the steps by the brand new Environmental Learning Centre. A huge amount of time and planning has gone into the development of the Environmental Learning Centre. Over the last 3 years Mr Luke, our Deputy Principal, the parents on the Environment Committee and the student representatives on the Environmental Committee have all worked towards developing this wonderful and exciting learning area. Miss Grant and Miss Humphrey’s have also done an amazing job to help develop this centre.

The Environmental Learning Centre has many different features like: raised garden beds, a creek, planting areas, seed propagating areas, work benches fruit trees, a recycling centre and the composting area.

Every class in the school created items for the Environmental Learning Centre. Some of the items are:

  • scarecrows
  • garden pet rocks
  • flowers that never die (our activity)
  • God’s eyes – weaving with natural items collected from all over the school yard
  • a tiled mosaic
  •  wind chimes
  • a bird bath
  • a totem pole – which will display the official plaque naming the centre
  • light reflectors  – reused CD’s to scare birds away

just to name a few!!!

We all were encouraged to wear green on the day or environmental/ natural colours

During the day each class and their older buddies went out for a sensory tour of the new garden centre. Students from Miss Grant’s welcomed each class to the centre and explained the activities that we would be doing – planting, photo hunts to identify different areas of the garden, signing the visitor’s book and many other activities.

Everyone was asked to bring at least one recyclable item – cans and bottles – to contribute towards the fundraising efforts of the centre. It also reminded us just how easy it is to recycle materials.

We had a sausage sizzle lunch – this was hosted by the school canteen. YUM!!!

As a part of our assembly presentations were made to celebrate the incredible successes of:

  • our Pedal Prix team – bike 88 came 3rd and bike 111 came 10th in the 24 hour race at Murray Bridge – congrats to Mr Lemmey and his Year 6/7 teams
  • our State Champion Netball Knockout netball team – congrats to Mrs Pettman and the team
  • our State Champion Basketball team – more congrats to Mr Nash (Will’s Dad in our class) and Mrs Pettman

Here are some photos of our FANTASTIC last day of term!
Environmental Learning Centre Opening on PhotoPeach

What did you think of our Environmental Learning Centre – do you have a favourite part of the Centre?


Final Footsteps Session

On Thursday we had our final Footsteps session with Erin, our instructor.

Through our Footsteps sessions we learnt individual and partner dances. The dances we learned were:

  • Shake Your Groove Thing – Alvin and the Chipmunk
  • Arabian Nights – a Bollywood dance
  • The Barn Dance – a bootscooting dance
  • Party Rock Anthem – a hip hop dance

Here’s a photo of us with our instructor Erin – we had a fantastic time learning all of our new dances.


What was your favourite part of Footsteps?


Footsteps – Session 3

This week we learnt a new individual dance. It was a Hip Hop dance and we had great fun learning it!
This week’s teacher was Erin and she’ll be our teacher for the next 2 sessions.
Here’s some photos of our session.

We also revisited past dances.
We redid our partner dance from last week called Arabian Nights, plus the Chipmunks item Shake Your Groove Thing.

Middle Primary Choir

Today our Middle Primary Choir performed at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide.

In the Middle Primary our boy’s and girl’s choirs practise and perform separately. Each group sang 3 songs.

Tahlia and Damien did a great job introducing each item and the choirs sounded great.

We had a huge audience to perform in front of – not just our families. There were lots of people listening to our singing.

Mrs Raynor was very helpful – getting  us to rehearse every week  and to be ready for our big performance today. Thanks Mrs Raynor- we LOVE working with you.

Here are some photos of our performance today – the videos are on their way.

Each performer received a certificate, wrist band and a chocolate frog as a special reward for their hard work and great performance today.


Here’s our first video – The Girls singing Super Chicken.

IMG 4890 from Lisa Sporn on Vimeo.


What did you enjoy about the choirs performance today?

How did you feel when you were singing in front of such a big audience?


Footsteps – Week 2

This week at Footsteps we learnt a partner dance. It was lots of fun to dance with a partner – we had lots of laughs along the way.


Which dance have you enjoyed the most over the last 2 weeks?

What is your favourite part of Footsteps?

Footsteps Dance

Last week we started Footsteps dance. Footsteps is always lots of fun and we love going.

This year we are learning both individual and partner dances.

For the first dance we learned Shake Your Groove Thing by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Here’s some photos of us shaking our groove things!!