Bookweek 2012

Last we we celebrated Bookweek in lots of different ways.
We read lots of the Bookweek books, worked with Mrs Langham in the Library (we read a Bookweek book called A Bus Classed Heaven and presented ourselves on a bus as community members – linking to our current inquiry unit), presented our learning at the whole school assembly, held a book sale – advertising books to our classmates and modelled this book sale for Miss Hunt’s Year 2 class, Paul read his own book called “A Sharing Community” at the assembly, we brought favourite books from home to share with our classmates and had a dress up day on Friday – we came dressed a book character fro on of our favourite stories.

Here are lots of photos showing you our fantastic week. We had so much fun celebrating books!

Bookweek Activities on PhotoPeach

What was your favourite activity from Bookweek?

Buddy Class Activity

Over the last two weeks our class has worked with our older buddies on a Design and Technology project. Our task was to design and make a chair for a teddy bear. The structure needed to be stable and to be able to hold the bears from our class.

We had lots of great ideas and a huge amount of fun working with our buddies to create many different chairs – most were very successful at holding a teddy bear.

Here are the finished chairs. Thanks to our buddies for their support and guidance – we love working with you.

 Buddy class activity – Make a Chair for a Teddy Bear on PhotoPeach