iStop Motion Movies

Throughout this term we have been developing our narrative writing skills. We’ve looked at many different ways to write a detailed, interesting and exciting narrative story. We’ve looked very closely at the different features of a narrative story.

We’ve written stories and published them as word documents.

We’ve written digital stories using iPods and iPads using the app StoryKit. Some of these have been published on our English page.

Next we planned stories to use in a claymation creation. This planning is called storyboarding. Then we made our backgrounds (the setting), created the characters using plasticene and then filmed our stories using the iPad and the iStop Motion app. We’re publishing these onto our class You Tube channel. This is a private channel so only class members can see it.

To celebrate our stories we had a popcorn and movie afternoon. Each group took turns to tell us the outline of their story and then played their movie.

We thought it was wonderful to see how creative every group was. We gave each group some constructive feedback – what we thought worked well, what could have been improved and as a whole class talked about what we could do next time.

Here are some photos of our sharing session ( ok – lots of photos – they were too good to leave any out!!).

Have you used claymation to create movies?

Can you give any tips that we might be able to include next time?

Year 2- 4 Assembly

Today we held went to our Year 2- 4 Assembly. Miss Pinkster’s class were the hosts and most classes had some learning to share.

Miss Hunt’s class showed yellow fish art work inspired by Paul Klee.
Mrs Chick’s class shared the narrative picture books that they created. They held a special book launch in the Library, with lots of special guests attending.
Mrs Freebairn’s class showed Inquiry learning. They’ve been investigating rain forests. They had posters, tree models and a PowerPoint presentation.
Mr Wait presented the awards and photos of our class member who received an award are coming.

We had lots of fun seeing what other classes have been learning about. It’s always really interesting to see what people have been doing.

What did you enjoy about our assembly today?
What do you do for Assemblies at your school?

Middle Primary Choir

Today our Middle Primary Choir performed at the Festival Theatre in Adelaide.

In the Middle Primary our boy’s and girl’s choirs practise and perform separately. Each group sang 3 songs.

Tahlia and Damien did a great job introducing each item and the choirs sounded great.

We had a huge audience to perform in front of – not just our families. There were lots of people listening to our singing.

Mrs Raynor was very helpful – getting  us to rehearse every week  and to be ready for our big performance today. Thanks Mrs Raynor- we LOVE working with you.

Here are some photos of our performance today – the videos are on their way.

Each performer received a certificate, wrist band and a chocolate frog as a special reward for their hard work and great performance today.


Here’s our first video – The Girls singing Super Chicken.

IMG 4890 from Lisa Sporn on Vimeo.


What did you enjoy about the choirs performance today?

How did you feel when you were singing in front of such a big audience?


Footsteps – Week 2

This week at Footsteps we learnt a partner dance. It was lots of fun to dance with a partner – we had lots of laughs along the way.


Which dance have you enjoyed the most over the last 2 weeks?

What is your favourite part of Footsteps?

Footsteps Dance

Last week we started Footsteps dance. Footsteps is always lots of fun and we love going.

This year we are learning both individual and partner dances.

For the first dance we learned Shake Your Groove Thing by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Here’s some photos of us shaking our groove things!!


Open Night

Tonight we held Open Night at school. We all love Open Night as it gives everyone a chance to show their learning in every classroom in the school. Our choirs performed in the Hall, the Pedal Prix team held a BBQ to raise funds for their team and then classrooms were open for everyone to tour.

This is a wonderful opportunity for every student and their families to tour our school. We can share our learning in so many different ways- showing our books, work on display around the room, learning on computers and iPads or iPods, models we’ve made and the list goes on.

What was your favourite part of Open Night at Craigburn Primary School?

Bookweek with our Buddies

On Friday we wrote stories with our older buddies. We used the app called StoryKit and started writing our own stories. First we discussed and shared our ideas and then typed the story onto the devices. We started adding pictures and will add our voices this week.

Here are some photos from our first writing session together.

We will post links to the stories as they are finished.

Bookweek – Buddy Storywriting using iPods and iPads on PhotoPeach


Bookweek 2012

Last we we celebrated Bookweek in lots of different ways.
We read lots of the Bookweek books, worked with Mrs Langham in the Library (we read a Bookweek book called A Bus Classed Heaven and presented ourselves on a bus as community members – linking to our current inquiry unit), presented our learning at the whole school assembly, held a book sale – advertising books to our classmates and modelled this book sale for Miss Hunt’s Year 2 class, Paul read his own book called “A Sharing Community” at the assembly, we brought favourite books from home to share with our classmates and had a dress up day on Friday – we came dressed a book character fro on of our favourite stories.

Here are lots of photos showing you our fantastic week. We had so much fun celebrating books!

Bookweek Activities on PhotoPeach

What was your favourite activity from Bookweek?

Bookweek 2012

This week is Bookweek. The Children’s Book Council of Australia hold an annual competition to see which is the best book in a variety of categories. There are a number of books nominated in different sections and then the judges vote for a winner.

Our Library is having every class visit the Library this week to work with Mrs Langham on lots of different Bookweek activities. Every year level is doing something different. Stay tuned for some photos later in the week, after our visit on Thursday.

We have been reading lots of the books in the lead up to Bookweek and will be having a dress-up day this Friday. We are able to dress as any character from a book – our imaginations are running wild!!! We will be showing our costumes to the rest of the school during our whole school assembly on Friday morning.

Here’s a poll for you to vote on your favourite book for the Early Childhood Books. Please vote for the book you enjoyed reading.

Here’s poll for Picture Book of the Year – vote for the one you really liked.

New Devices

Our whole school has recently bought lots of new iPods and iPads for each class to use. We have 5 iPods and 5 iPads to use to support our learning during class activities. We are sharing these devices with all of the Year 2 and 3 classes. We’ve loved having extra devices to use. Check our blog page listing the apps we love to use – you may like to download some for yourselves.